Friday, June 12, 2015

Over 10 Doctors so far...


Back in the beginning of May 2015, Whitney noticed some numbness on the top of her right leg shortly after working in the front yard pulling weeds. After a couple of weeks the numbness spread across the entire front of her shin bone, a partial sensation loss in her right arm, and pretty severe weakness in her right leg and arm. She started falling more and more just walking around as the weakness in her leg worsened. The month prior to all of this we lost our insurance and we were actually in the process of getting another but it still wouldn't become active for another month. Regardless of not having insurance, we were advised by a couple of family members who are medical doctors in other states to take her into the emergency room as they would run all of the necessary tests to rule out the scary conditions (Brain Tumor, Multiple Sclerosis, Guillen Barre Syndrome...). We arrived at the ER at 12:30 pm and didn't end up leaving until 11:30 that night. After seeing 4 ER Dr's (one which was a neurologists who was ordering tests all along), an MRI of the neck and brain, Lumbar Spinal Puncture, and a battery of blood work, we left with the answer that everything is normal. We were still waiting for a couple tests to come back, but we left with no answers. Within a few days the other tests also came back clean and clear...which in one way we were very grateful, but in another way, we were frustrated not having answers. Since the standard medical route left us at a dead end, we decided to make a trip to Las Vegas to see Dr Greg Olsen from the Nevada Clinic where they combine both the medical and alternative sides of healthcare quite skillfully.


In preparation for out trip we had a few more labs run to look at her thyroid. We spent 2 days at the clinic where they ran stress tests on her body in a couple of different ways, Vitamin/Mineral IV (vitamin C, vitamin B, magnesium), multiple homeopathic remedies, they stared her on thyroid medication and adrenal support, Iodine, and Selenium. After the second day Whitney did notice a small improvement in her ability to walk a little more normal. We left the clinic with great hope as according to their tests she had an Un-diagnosed Neurological Condition that is aggravated by a possible radiation (radon) and pesticide poisoning. We were urged to have our basement tested for radon gas and look into any pesticide/herbicide that was used by the previous tenant (we are in a rental and it is ran by a property management company). In the midst of investigating into those things further, they gave Whitney slew of homeopathic remedies to help with the detoxing of those substances. Dr Olsen also thought it important for us to eat a healthy diet and take proper supplements to help support her immune system, brain and nervous system, and support her intestinal track. We mention that we just started her on juicing again, and he was very pleased to hear that as that can be a very potent way to get the proper nutrients to support the body.They also said that getting weekly (at least) vitamin C IV's would be very wise.  We left Vegas feeling hopeful.

Since being home we have had out basement tested for radon and the results came back at 1.7 pCi/L, which the national average is 1.4 pCi/L and anything over 4.0 pCi/L is considered dangerous. Getting those results back was a blessing. After ruling this out we decided to go to another doctor in the area and get more tests done to further investigate Lymes disease and possible pesticide/herbicide poisoning.


We found a new family physician in the area near our home. On Tuesday 6/8/15, we met Dr David Beckstead MD to get another head in on our situation. He agreed to run some more specific tests for Lymes disease but he also wants us to get a nerve conduction test. We are being sent out to another Neurologists to get this done. This procedure basically entails getting acupuncture like needles into your limbs along the paths of the nerves to test how the nerve is conducting the signal throughout the body, This will allow them to see at what point throughout the limb or spinal level is not conducting the impulse. This test will be done 6/12/15.


We were led to this clinic as Dr Jeffery Wright ND (Naturopathic Doctor) is known in the area for working with Lyme disease patients. We recently visited with Dr Wright and shared with him everything we've gone through in the past month or so. After performing his exam he is very suspicious of possible Lyme's disease, and if not Lyme itself, possible co-infections carried from the same tick that often are seen together with Lyme's such as: Babesia, Bartonella, Ehrlichia, and Anaplasma. Often times when the bodies immune system begins to attack those bacteria, the bacteria release biotoxins to protect themselves from being destroyed. We told him that we are still waiting for some specific Lyme's blood tests to come back but that we should hear back in a few days. In the mean time he thought it wise to continue with the Vitamin/Mineral IV's similar to what cancer patients use to help rebuild their immune systems during chemotherapy. The combination consists of high doses of vitamin C (25,000 mg), a mix of vitamin B, and magnesium. A few days prior to going to see Dr Wright, Whitney noticed that her right hand began to tremor uncontrollably, which could be a sign of the bacteria causing more damage. At the beginning of the visit her hand was shaking the worse it ever has been. By the end of the IV, her hand had calmed down significantly. We were also advised by Dr Wright to support Whitney's immune system, brain and nervous system, and her intestines. Doing this will help change the environment that the bacteria live in, making it harder for the bacteria to survive.


After seeing a total of 9 medical doctors (2 of which are family that we consulted with long distance, and 2 Neurologists),  1 Naturopathic Physician, 2 Chiropractors, 2 Homeopathic Practitioners, 2 MRI's, a lumbar puncture, and a slew of blood tests, we still do not have a firm diagnosis and the symptoms seem to only be getting worse. We're hopeful that the vitamin IV's will continue to help as we stay consistent with them weekly and stick to a strict dietary protocol to help support her body so that the bacteria won't have an environment within her body to survive. Whitney is still struggling with walking as her right leg is weak and has lost a lot of muscle. Her right arm is along the same line just not as bad. We are hopeful that with the tests that we still have out, something will come of it all and we'll be able to make some sense of all of this. Until then, as we continue the journey, all we have control over is our own attitude. We'll continue to look forward, with our heads held high, grateful for the days that we still have together as a family.


So many have already sent help either monetarily, physically around the house and with kids, and prayers. We've been overwhelmed by the outpouring of love by so many. Thank you so much!!

If you would like to donate in helping us continue with Whitney's treatments to get her health back, you can do it one of 2 ways:

1) Go fund me

2) If you have a Google Wallet account you can send it directly my account using my email

Whitney at the Sams Town Hotel in Las Vegas
Also a recent video of what Whitney's tremors look like has been uploaded to the facebook page dedicated to Whitney's Health Journey

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the update! Not too long ago I was doing this same thing with updates and I know it can be hard to find the time or energy for it, but I see on the other side it is so appreciated! I hope you guys hear some answers soon from the tests! Keep up the good work!
