Thursday, June 25, 2015

Neurologists and Physical Therapy

Yesterday we met with the neurologists and went over all of the labs and tests performed up to this point. Everything we've run up to this point has been clean and clear, except the Nerve Conduction test. That showed that a specific nerve (Saphenous)  is showing to be damaged. That specific nerve is a branch of a larger nerve (Femoral) just above that controls the motor function of many of the large muscles in the leg. The Saphenous nerve is actually largely involved with lower leg sensory input from the skin. The damage to both of these nerves explains the weakness in the upper leg but sensory loss in the lower leg. When we asked why they were damaged, they answered saying that because all of the other tests came back clear, they believe that she contracted a virus of some kind that damaged the nerves in her leg and likewise in her arm. They believe the virus is gone because she is not getting any worse. They would like to run another MRI of the brain in another 6 months just to make sure nothing was missed. Her right quadriceps  are much smaller and weaker than the left because she hasn't been able to walk on them. They have prescribed Physical Therapy asap. The nerve conduction test showed nerve damage but it also showed that they're still able to receive and send a message, they're just weak at it. Because its still able to communicate, that is a sign that the nerves are capable of a full recovery, hence the physical therapy. The damage done to the arm was done to certain receptor sited on the muscles that help control the balance between front arm and back arm muscles. While she does physical therapy to help with the damage, he is putting Whitney on a medication called Metoprolol that's supposed to help balance the receptor sites and balance out her tremors. It's a very common drug they give to kids when they experience tremors. They're starting her out on a very small dose to monitor how she responds to it.
We spoke with the other more holistic doctors that we're working with and they feel it important to continue with certain vitamin/mineral IV's to help provide the body what is needed to help with nerve regrowth. In out research we've seen a lot written about B-12 injections helping with nerve regrowth. If anyone knows of any other treatment to help nerves grow, please leave a comment and share.

Whitney's Daily Nutritional Regiment

6/25/15                                                       Physical Therapy

Whitney had her first Physical Therapy appointment. The therapist is putting her in knee brace to help stabilize her leg to help prevent further injury. He's given her some very basic exercises to just start using her leg more and more. Any motion is going to be good, trying to get the signal from the brain into the nerve. Repetition is going to be key. He did say for her to listen to her body and not over do it. Aqua-therapy was highly recommended, so now we're in the process of finding a pool or something that we can do multiple times a week. Exercising in the water will help take some of the weight demand of the muscle making it easier for her to do her exercise and build muscle. In a small way, she's going to have to learn to walk again. Right now she will only be seen 1 time a week by the PT, simply because she can do everything at home and everything is so basic at this point, it would be silly to drive somewhere to do them.
Whitney took the medication for the first time today, and I wish we had a camera. She said the room started to tilt and she felt like she was flying. When I (Brian) was talking to her on the phone she's randomly laugh at our conversation. After about 30 minutes, the tremor in her hand did stop. We'll see how long it lasts, but it was nice to get a break from them. Right now she is taking a very low dose and after a week or so they want to up the dosage. We'll have to see how she does. I'm not sure which is better; not to have tremors or a wife that laughs randomly during our conversation.
Whitney at the Physical Therapy Office


  1. Folic Acid supports development of the nervous system of the fetus in utero, I imagine that it would support regrowth

  2. Robert, that's true. I'll search for some research papers and see if that comes up. Thanks
